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11 very Irish restaurant and takeaway reviews

“Garlic dip was muck.”

WE ALL CONSULT the likes of TripAdvisor, Just-Eat.ie and Yelp before making decisions about where to eat, drink or stay now.

Some reviews are helpful, some are legitimately insane and some are just meh.

And some? Some are just extremely Irish.

1. “Bathroom near the door”

bathroom Source: TripAdvisor

Awards five stars for value, atmosphere, service and food, despite only using the loo.


2. Many a takeaway has saved many an Irishman from a deathly hangover…

fanta Source: Flickr

joe Source: Just-Eat

Honestly Joes might of saved two lives that night.

God bless.

3. “Twas savage”

pizza Source: Flickr



Good man, Michael.

4. “Chips are stink”

gideon Source: Flickr



A fine Irish insult.

5. “Garlic dip was muck”

garlic Source: Flickr

muck Source: Just-Eat.ie


6. When your main critique of a Lanzarote holiday is that the “gravy was poor”

tripadvisor2 Source: TripAdvisor

7. This beautiful ode to the Supermacs in Heuston Station

heuston Source: Flickr

supermacs Source: Yelp

8. This heartrending tribute to the peculiar Irish phenomenon that is the spice bag

spicebag2-630x472 Source: boards.ie

spicebag-2-630x108 (1) Source: Just-Eat.ie

9. This very honest Yelp review of Abrakebabra

abrakebabra Source: Yelp

No apologies necessary.

10. Slipping “minus craic” into a TripAdvisor review? Excellent work

minuscraic Source: TripAdvisor

11. “The mash[...] was fierce soapy.”


Move over, Giles Coren!

15 Irish surnames that are now actually popular baby names in America >

10 reasons why takeaways trump eating out every time >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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